You’re Gonna Be Rich!

One of the hardest things I had to face while building the motorhome was my friends who became envious of my good fortune. My good friend, Bill, actually said to me, “We can’t be friends anymore because you’re going to be rich”. That shocked me, and broke my heart.
I never did have much self confidence. Always treated like crap by everyone, or so I thought. And when he said that it was devastating to me. Just because something good was finally happening in my life, did that mean I couldn’t have special people around?
Let’s face it, not everyone will be happy with your success. Their insecurity is magnified when they see someone they always saw as inferior possibly doing things they themselves were too afraid to try. Heck, I didn’t even look for it, it came to me.
People can be down right petty.
When I eventually lost everything and ended up on the side of a mountain with nothing but a tent, a cot, a sleeping bag and a Bible, there were a few around me that were jealous of that! It was inconceivable to me that anyone could covet the meager possessions I had. Oh well, if the last really will be first, I guess I’d better get used to it… Hahaha

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